
Do you feel like your monthly water bill is constantly running (upwards)? 

Owning and maintaining a home is expensive. Whether it’s paying off a home loan, high levies or rent – the stress from monthly expenses is always at the back of our minds and the costs seem to be on the rise. We can expect our electricity bills to increase during the winter months, but why are our water bills so expensive? 

You may be surprised to learn that there are easy ways to reduce your water consumption that will lower your costs.


Here are 5 ways you can reduce your expensive water bills.

1. Load up the dishwasher

It doesn’t matter what kind of appliances or fixtures you own, running a fully-loaded dishwasher once is far more water-efficient than the hand-washing method. When you hand-wash your dishes, you are likely to leave the faucet running unnecessarily. Some people also like to pre-rinse their dishes. Using a dishwasher is more cost-effective because it uses a set amount of water per load.  

Tip: If you do wash dishes by hand, try plugging up the sink and using a washbasin to conserve water.

2. Take shorter showers

When you reduce your shower time by just 1 or 2 minutes, it can make a significant difference in the long run. In fact, you can reduce your water usage by up to 9 litres for every minute you shorten your showers. This means that you’re being more budget-friendly while saving water too.

Tip: Try the “Navy shower” technique. This is when you turn off the water while you put soap on your body, and then turn the water back on to wash it off.

3. Sweep more, hoseless

When you’re working in the garden or the driveway, use the hose pipe sparingly. Many people use their hosepipes to spray down dirty driveways, sidewalks and steps. But doing this uses an average of 189 litres. Is this the best use of your resources?

Rather, sweep away dirt and debris with a straw broom and wipe this expense from your utility bills permanently. 

Tip: When washing your car, turn off the hosepipe between rinses to reduce unnecessary water use and the added expense. 

4. Investigate your taps

Many of us see a dripping tap and won’t necessarily be too concerned. But it’s crazy to think that we are paying for water that we’ll never use. Plus, wasting water has major environmental consequences and is bad for the planet.

Just 10 slow drips from the tap per minute can lead to a loss of 1 325 litres per year. You can be sure that your water metre is tracking those costs. There are quick and effective ways to fix a leaking tap, and many hardware stores sell DIY kits. If you want to make sure that the job is done correctly, it’s a good idea to call your plumber.

Tip: Invest in more water-efficient faucets. There are new models available that optimise usage without compromising on performance. #ASKAPLUMBA for more information.

5. Cover the pool

It’s no secret that the pool accounts for a large amount of our water use in our homes – especially in summer when it needs to be filled up frequently. Using a pool cover can help you save money. 

Covering your pool is an effective way to avoid fill-ups because it will prevent your pool water from evaporating. This prevents the fill-ups and the extra litres from going into the pool.

Tip: When you do fill your pool up, don’t over-fill it. Water will be wasted when people get in due to splashing. Rather, fill it slightly lower and reduce those water bills.



When it comes to high water expenses, there are various ways that you can cut costs and save water too. Small changes can add up each year and make a big difference to your budget, and you can put the money you save towards other things. 


If you’re still struggling with high water expenses, we suggest calling us so we can investigate your water metre and general plumbing.


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