
If you have ever considered hiring or signing on for a plumbing contractor there are a few key things you need to know and ask your plumber before signing on. 

We have written up our own five-point bullet list that you can use as a handy “how-to” segment to ask us or any possible plumbing contractor you may use in the future.

1. How Long Have You Been in Business?

It may seem like the most basic and standard question to ask any business owner, however it still bears worth repeating. 

You of course want to hire a plumber with the relevant experience to get the job done. A few pointers to note when gauging the experience of your plumber is to note how long they have been in your community, ideally, you want a plumber who is well known and has been there for years and will know many local properties and their trials. 

What this shows is a wide variety of experience when it comes to handling all and even unusual plumbing concerns. However, something to remember is even if the company has 25 years of experience, always make sure that your dispatched plumber has the relevant experience or is overseen by an experienced individual. 



2. What Will Your Service Cost?

To be fair, this question can’t always be answered on the initial call. You might think that one thing is causing the problem, but if there are multiple issues, then your repair will cost more than they originally quoted you over the phone.

This is something you will instinctively ask first, but keeping in mind that sometimes these questions cannot be answered on the initial call. This question is best saved for when the plumber comes out to perform a check-up. Once they’ve seen the damage, you can ask them about the cost of their service. Make sure to have it all listed out for you. Ask if there are any additional fees that you should expect that might not be listed on the quote. Whenever the plumber quotes you a price, be sure to get it in writing. That way, you can keep a record of the price point you should expect.

Also, be sure to ask questions about how the plumbing company prefers payment when they’d like payment, and whether they’re hourly or a flat rate. An accommodating service will be happy to work with you on building a payment plan that fits your budget.



3. Do You Have Insurance?

No matter how many years of experience your plumbing company has or how many great reviews they received online, there’s always a risk potential.

As long as you hire a plumbing company that’s properly insured for such risk, you have nothing to worry about. Make sure to clarify that the plumber you hired does have insurance and ask them to specify what kind of insurance they have.

You want to make sure they have a type of insurance that can cover any damage done during, or as a result of, the repair they performed. It can help with things like water damage, moulding, and so on. This not only protects their company but you as well. If you hire a plumbing company without insurance, then you’ll be forced to pay for the damage yourself. Do your due diligence beforehand to find a reputable plumber with insurance. That way, if there are surprises, they can be handled accordingly.



4. Do You Have References That I Can Call?

It is completely understandable that you would want to speak to previous clients and their experiences before hiring a plumber.

Ask your plumber for any references or previous reviews where you could perhaps contact them directly and ask them questions such as: How long have you used these plumbers, What you liked about the company specifically and what services were completed for you. This should give you an overview of what to expect with your new contracted plumber. 



5. Do You Offer a Warranty?

Never hire a plumber unless they offer you a warranty. When a plumber offers you a warranty it means they are confident in their service enough to correct any mistake that should arise if there are any. Also, make sure to ask what services they provide and which ones the warranty covers. A plumber can perform many services such as grease trap repairs, septic tank cleaning, blocked drains, and so on.

Once your plumber has offered you a warranty you will need to cover your basics and ask a few questions such as: How long is the warranty? What does the warranty cover? And how do you redeem the warranty?



For more information, please feel free to reach out to us via our contact page or contact us on: 0800 758 622 and we will be happy to assist you further.

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