
Leaking pipe

Benefits Of Repairing Leaks

It can be easy to overlook leaks in your home’s plumbing system or plumbing fixtures. As a homeowner, you always have copious amounts on your plate, and if problems aren’t immediately demanding, you can easily ignore them until they start to cause major complications for your home. However, even if the leaks aren’t causing problems right away, it is imperative that you have them restored as soon as possible.

Leaks can cause a number of issues in your home, and mending leaks, no matter how small or big they are, can provide you with a number of advantages.

South Africa loses R7 billion in revenue yearly because of water leaks. That figure is disturbing enough without adding it to the fact that we are currently in the middle of a water predicament.

While South Africa has adequate water resources to meet its present needs, our future requirements can only be protected through effective and timeous water-management options.

South Africa is a water-scarce country and unless we take severe actions to preserve and save water today, there will be a serious water challenge that is made worse by the effects of global warming and climate change.

Climate change is felt through the annual rise in regular temperatures and intense summertime heat which could result in our rivers, streams, and dams coming under severe pressure.

The financial benefits of leak detection and repair can be easily estimated. For a single leak, the amount lost in a given period of time, multiplied by the retail value of that water will make available a monetary amount.

Other financial benefits of leak detection include the decrease in your household or businesses utility bills such as electricity, with geysers haven to warm up less water for instance, or save you on house maintenance as leaks in pipes can cause severe damage to your property over time.


For all your leak detection and repair as well as any other plumbing requirements let our industry specialists take care of you today.


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